It is a great pleasure to introduce to you our construction company called YENCOMAD CONSTRUCTION PLC. The purpose of this documentation is to provide our company profile to interested organizations worldwide for possible partnerships in the area of construction. A vision of the owner and the General Manager of YENCOMAD Construction,
Ato Yemeru Nega, was born while the famous Dembel City Centre was under construction. Ato Yemeru, is a visionary Ethiopian and owner of Dembel City Centre, who is inspired by the will and guidance of God. Dembel City Centre is a beautiful flowery-yellow multi story building, located at Africa Avenue on the road to the Air Port.
YENCOMAD is a first class General Contractor (GC-1) chartered in Ethiopia to provide services in civil work projects, mainly road
construction and maintenance, building construction and maintenance, water works, airfield construction etc. The Company is registered with the Ministry of Urban Development to do the same.
YENCOMAD is a leading construction company capable of handling complex and challenging projects ranging from residential to business complexes, from office buildings to business centers, from gravel road to concrete asphalt road construction projects.
YENCOMAD has its coordination office in Addis Ababa, headed by Ato Yemeru Nega as the managing Director, who is assisted by a General Manager, five departments and other supporting units. YENCOMAD has put in place the organizational structure needed to lead the various projects.
The City Centre, as a mall, is embracing a mosaic of shops and markets under one roof providing most of the services required by customers at reasonable price. The expansion of this City Centre is underway to encompass all the needed markets and services. The Expansion is a four-story building on the top of the Parking Complex at the rear side of Dembel City Centre. This building is planned to accommodate additional shops, gymnasiums, conference halls and other businesses.
1. Becoming an active construction company and acting as a General Contractor
2. Promoting agricultural activities and exporting agricultural products and minerals
3. Establishing industries in various sectors of the economy of the country
4. Engaging in real estate activities
5. Performing general export, import and distribution activities
6. Engaging in commission agency activities
7. Carrying on travel agency activities
8. Engaging in transit and transport service operation, etc.
YENCOMAD takes pride in its highly qualified engineers & professionals of different disciplines who strive to serve its customers with integrity and honesty. Their commitment coupled with its latest, highly sophisticated state-of-the-art construction equipment has kept Yencomad at the forefront, & has proven to be one of the best construction companies in our country, even on complex building and road projects at difficult terrain, Dembel City Center, Muketuri-Alemketema and Endeto-Gasera are few examples.
YENCOMAD is also a leading firm for the innovation of a prominent idea for the development of a real state construction in to consideration of the demand of houses from the local community there in. Enormous number of real state was successfully constructed and delivered to the client by YENCOMAD with a specification, quality set in the contract and interests of the client (modification of the architectural and structural design with interest of the client).
YENCOMAD Construction Plc, organized under professional management comprises of corporate office and various projects at sites. In less than fifteen years time the staffs of YENCOMAD has grown over ten fold. At present, YENCOMAD has over 1500 employees excluding labourers and these are classified as Management, Supervisory, Technical and Clerical comprising qualified Engineering, Financial & Administrative Staffs.
In addition, YENCOMAD has developed an IT System for both head office and projects. The company’s administrative workload is fully computerized and networked from its headquarters at Dembel City Centre & the systems are linked via a leased line. All the projects have radio communication with one another and the head office.
The programme focus of YENCOMAD is in the areas of civil work projects of various scopes. YENCOMAD reaffirms its emphasis on development efforts in Africa and the Middle East, where the need for construction is at its peak. In all its undertakings, YENCOMAD remains committed to professional delivery and quality excellence.